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No New Posts myspace ,

Founded fairly recently, this website has grown to epic proportions. Millions of people have one, and more join every day. It is a nifty way of getting and keeping in touch with friends and family, and letting people know about you. You can put your favorite things, things about your life, pictures, and more.

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No New Posts email ,

This is yet another form of digital communication that is becoming popular. It's similar to snail mail in that you must have a specific, correct address for the message to get to the person it's meant for, but it's way faster than 'snail mail'.

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No New Posts aim ,

This is a form of communication that is becoming wildly popular, especially among those who sit at the computer all day. It's similar to e-mail, except you don't need an email address to send an instant message, just a screen name. Sometimes they're open, sometimes closed. It's a great way to meet new people.

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No New Posts albums ,

Place pictures here of your characters, their friends, their pets, etc. Maybe even a video or two- it could be within a digital camera, online, or maybe on a magazine, if they're a model. Pictures don't have to have people in them- it could be pets, or a landscape. Whatever, really. A lot of people find that taking pictures is a great stress-reliever. You can tell a story with pictures- after all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

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No New Posts playlists ,

Many people have iPods and other forms of MP3 players. They may have 1 Gig of space, 2 Gigs, 4 Gigs, 8 Gigs, or more, depending on the brand. So obviously, some hold more than others. People have varying tastes in music, or like just about everything. Post the characters' playlists here, or their entire music libraries.

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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
iLife ,
People do many things online & with electronic devices. Since its creation, the Internet has become more and more popular, providing different, faster, and more-effective ways of communicating. There are instant messengers, where people send short messages to each other instantly, emails, which having all but taken the place of snail mail, and blogs, where people keep in contact with friends and post information about themselves.
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